Overcome the challenge of a Job Interview
Who is looking for work fantasy beforehand what happens when you go for a job interview: leaving home well dressed and with a rehearsed speech, reach us on time, wait several minutes until someone from the Human Resources bring to a room where you will ask whatever you think is relevant to the hire.
A job interview is the final stage of the recruitment process might give you the key to enter a company and as a collaborator, so maybe it is seen as an almost insurmountable obstacle for many. However, it is not necessary to be in a cold sweat after receiving the long-awaited call: good preparation is essential so that everything goes as well as possible.
“There are several steps to this preparation», Filipa bails Leite de Castro, manager at Jason Associates. “First, we need to think what we are and what route did. Instead of one count hist6ria detailed on us, says Philippa, and preferable “to have something more structured about what we learned from our experiences. That is, instead of preparing a narrative at home that perfectly explains your career, think about the life choices that may have shaped our character. “For example, being federated sport since new has implications on people, says Philippa, and is information that differs from the other candidates. Already Pedro Ramos, Director Corporate Human Resources Group ETE, emphasizes the need to think of a ‘winning attitude’ before the interview, think what to say, by drawing up lists of words “forbidden” to reflect negativity, for example, or what to wear.
Filipa Leite de Castro also stresses the importance of appearance: We should never take the risk of being less presentable than our interlocutor. It’s always better to go overdressed than underdressed, dressed with some personal brand and, of course, common sense says. And it suggests a final mental exercise important to calm some anxiety: defuse the figure of the interviewer, who goes by “think they are people just like us, who go to the supermarket, have children. And I need to treat them as people and not as CEOs.
Pay attention to the clock before going to an interview and save disappointment. Probably already know this: never, never be late or too early. “Getting two minutes early is ideal. Arrive much sooner denotes excessive anxiety, says Pedro Ramos. However, when you do not know exactly where is the place where the interview had elapsed, choose to leave home well in advance to avoid reaching “stressed, angry, sweaty” the site adds. And when you arrive, take a moment and look around, to acclimatise before entering the interview.
During the interview
Prepared at home, arrived on time to the site (hopefully) and you’re sitting in the chair in front of the interviewer. And what to do? Sofia Mendoca, Director of Human Resources at McDonald’s Portugal considers that the first approach should be to seek to be calm and serene. Should not become intoxicated in order to achieve security and convey their ideas clearly.
Here, it is necessary to establish a relationship of parity “with the caller, advances Filipa Leite de Castro. This means that you need to manage to stay on an equal footing in the interview and not submission to the interviewer. And so one of the ways is to simply look in the eyes of those who tells us: “It is a very important factor. Even if we are not nervous we leave to achieve. ” However, situations where this parity is forced, like trying to get through with the interviewer, is one of the biggest mistakes in a job interview: the desperate need to please.
Introduce yourself on paper
Before an interview, one of the ways to sell your personal brand is through a letter. The letters are seen by many as essential elements alongside the curriculum, to evaluate the potential of the candidate. But is still so important in a time when companies receive dozens of resumes a day? Nowadays people people who are in business are bombarded with information, says Maria João Gomes, Director of Human Resources at WeDo Technologies, and already curricula are often not even read. What I would do is a two in one: have an opening paragraph two, three lines in the curriculum in which the candidate arouses curiosity to explain how you can make a difference.
Pedro Ramos agrees: Cover letters come less and less. If a letter is required along with the resume, it makes sense to send it. But increasingly the letters are read less. However, it leaves some tips: they shall be as simple as possible, with an initial presentation of the candidate and to the defense of what this company has to offer. The candidate, Pedro Ramos says, “must present yourself, and say what purpose the application and explain why it is that it is able to fill that position.” And the candidate never exceed writes to her: cover letters too long run the risk of simply not being read. It is important to have a discourse more directed, explaining the strengths more objectively. Recruiters need to understand that perspective is that the person makes your marketing staff, “adds Pedro Ramos.
However, this personal marketing can be done effectively with cover letters most original. Can and should, says Maria João Gomes: “I abolished cover letters.” At a time when we are buried with information is important to make a difference in other ways. And gives two examples: “I once received a letter that came in a bottle, again I received a box with cards business cards inside, each with a link to the applicant’s CV. If the primary purpose of any cover letter is to show in what is different, they managed it says. Pedro Ramos agrees with the need for a more creative approach, but remember that everything depends on the area to which the applicant is applying, be more creative or more formal.
In summary
So that everything goes well in your job interview, follow the tips from the experts interviewed by Human Resources Portugal:
• Think about the strengths and weaknesses;
• Having a winning attitude and combative;
• Never go dressed in a less presentable than any interviewer;
• defuse the figure of the interviewer. Think that they are ordinary people, with routines similar to ours.
• Arrive on time, preferably two minutes before;
• Keep calm and state clearly their ideas;
• Be honest and transparent in answers questions from the interviewer.
Original article: Human Resources Portugal | May 2013
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